"Postcards from Childhood/Unrooted" is a project created in 2020, when revisiting the childhood home left a deep echo. The "postcards" are timeless collages created with a rudimentary and distorting photographic technique (pinhole on 35 mm film, developed, printed in the darkroom) and the recontextualisation of writings found in one of my notebooks dating 1994. This time machine constructed with a 19th century photographic technique, the alteration of prints and the childhood writings, suspends the natural temporal order and creates an affective space in which the uprooting, the gradual alteration of memories and their reliving are perceived through a different filter. The repetition of five frames from the childhood yard, the house, the fir trees and the roots of the trees pulled from the ground, each in 7 different instances, punctuates the way in which repeated memories are carriers of new meanings. These confrontations of past with present draw new connections and become the source of formative inner experiences.